A. Overbey Family History - Genealogy, history, family information and more!

This Overbey Family History was originally compiled in 1984 by Jackie Overbey of Chanute, KS, and is currently being researched and updated by Don Russell of Florissant, MO, assisted by his daughter Cyndy. This site is a partial history. To protect the privacy of our family members, we have only included complete information about the family up to the early 20th century. If you have Overbey geneology information to share, corrections or additions to this info, or would like get get a printed copy of the complete family history, including the later generations, additional information, clippings and photos, please email Don's daughter Cyndy at crshaw57@yahoo.com.

Don Russell passed away on June 7, 2024. Here is a link to his obituary: https://www.hutchensfuneralhomes.com/obituaries/Donald-L-Russell?obId=32186067

We have added a Sloman Family History page to this site. Two Overbeys married members of the Sloman family, and so many of us share both family backgrounds. Click here if you would like to go directly to the Sloman page.


Don Russell's Memorial Celebration of Life, on June 27th, 2024, 4-7pm, at the Creve Coeur Airport Historic Aircraft Museum, St. Louis Co., Missouri.

The 15th Triannual Sloman Reunion is held in Springfield, IL in October ?? date to be determined. Plan to come and enjoy hearing family history, the good food, and visiting! We will post more info when we get it.

An annual Overbey family reunion is held on the first Saturday in September after Labor Day. Info to come for 2024 when plans are set. YOU ALL COME!

Overbey Reunion Sept 9, 2023:

Overbey Cousins from left: Ed Overbey, Don Russell, Janice Overbey Kelly, Bruce Overbey and Lewis Overbey.


A book called "The Overbury Story: 500 Years in England and America." Thank you to Lisa Crass and the Yancey Family Geneology for sending a link to the story of the Overburys and Overbeys in England and their immigration and settlement in America. This text traces their lineage as they made their way from Virginia west to Tennessee and eventually to Illinois and elsewhere. It connects many branches of the family tree that we suspected where related, but did not have information on what the connections were. Jackie would have loved to read this text!

Click here to go directly to the manuscript of The Overbury/Overbey Story.

The Coat of Arms illustrated is officially documented in Burk’s General Armory. The original description of the shield is as follows:
Black: with 3 silver stars between silver narrow diagonal bands.” Above the Shield and Helmet is the crest which is described as: “A silver Lion’s leg erect, encircled in a gold ducal Crown.”

The colors have a meaning. Gold denotes generosity, valor or perseverance. Silver represents serenity and nobility. Black is for repentance or vengeance.

The Crest on top of the Overbey shield is a Lion.

King Henry V of England forbade anyone to take on arms of shield unless by right of ancestry or as a gift from the crown.

There was a time in my life that I thought I would give up on getting this Overbey Family History printed. I was not well and was very discouraged, because I could not find out about the family beyond the fact that they came from North Carolina or Virginia to Tennessee. Also so many of the families living did not seem to want to answer my letters to them. Some of the old records were destroyed during the Civil War. Then I found this poem. I thought maybe the world does not need me but my family does need to know as much about the Overbey family as I had been able to find. - Jackie

The World Needs You
You're not old when your hair is grey,
Not washed up when your teeth decay,
Though your teeth are false, if your heart is true
The world has great need of you.

The longer you live, the more you know,
Then is the time to let wisdom show.
Though your joints may creak, if your mind is true
The world is in great need of you.

You may need glasses as your eyes grow dim,
Your body may no longer be light and trim,
But if your faith stays steadfast and true
The world is in great need of you.

But you sure are ready for that last sleep
When you hate the world and your grudges keep,
If you’re bitter and to yourself untrue,
Only then does the world stop needing you.

So forget your glasses and store-bought teeth,
Ignore your greying hair and joints that creak,
Bring to the world all you’ve learned that’s true,
And the world will never stop needing you.


How many times have you had the experience where your name Overbey has been spelled differently than you spell it? Maybe we don’t spell Overbey correctly. The first Overbey to come to America spelled it Overbury is an English name and the meaning is “One who came from Overbury or upper earthwork or fort.”

All surnames come from general sources in Europe about 1100 A.D. Before that men were called by one name, as is still true in scattered parts of the world today. but when there are eight or ten names all the same some distinction had to be made. John’s son became Johnson, William’s son Williamson. Then the King decided every one should have a surname. Names were then taken from four sources: occupation, location, characteristics and father’s name.

Photo of Jackie and Paul Overbey This has been an interesting search for the Overbey ancestors. I have several complete genealogies from other branches of the family and a lot of interesting letters from others who have been interested in family finding or tree climbing. It has been most difficult to get letters answered from those we know are descendants of William and Mariah Overbey. I want to thank all of you who have helped me. It would have been much easier if I had been a native of Illinois instead of Kansas. The vital statistics are in your home counties and states.

Paul and Jackie Overbey
Chanute, Kansas

Jackie Overbey passed away April 14, 1999 and I can not think of any tribute great enough to show our appreciation for what she did putting this wonderful family history together, the work and time she spent to me is mind boggling, she undoubtedly was a super dedicated gal. Paul d. Sep. 12, 1999. Thank you so much Jackie and to Paul for helping and encouraging her.....

- Don Russell 2002


Following information copied from the Greene County, IL Directory Year of 1879, page 593, Township 12, Range 11 West.

Overbey (spelling as in the book) Jefferson, farmer and stock raiser, Sec. 30, Post Office, White Hall. The above named gentleman was born in Greene Co. in 1833. The fifth of a family of 10 children. His father Archibald Overbey was a native of North Carolina, who moved to Tennessee and there married Miss Sarah Barnard. The date of the family settlement in Greene Co was probably 1828, when the prairies for many miles remained unbroken and from the door step of his father’s cabin young Overbey was wont to watch with childish glee the graceful flight of vast herds of deer as they disported themselves on the prairie, or became lost to view among the timber. Mr. Overbey relates that during his earliest years the county was thinly populated. At intervals in the timber was seen the pioneer’s cabin, as few settlers had ventured on the prairie.

Jefferson was m. in 1853 to Miss Emma Clark, dau of Ira Clark. By this lady he had two children, James Ira and Ida May. September 1859, Mrs. Orerbey departed this life, Mr. Orerbey resident of township 12, range 11, and there owns farm property. Like nearly all who bear the name his generosity and kindness of heart is unbounded.


Overby, William A., farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 21, Post Office, Greenfield, IL, was born in TN, in 1844, came to IL. in 1855; was m. in 1870 to Miss Gilly Drum, who was born in Greene Co., IL. in 1853. They have four living children. Etsle, b. January 15, 1874, Leroy, b. February 23, 1878. Pearly B. b. February 8, 1872 and an infant b. July 6, 1876 died. The father of this subject, William Overbey, was a native of Tennessee; was m. to Maria Surles (Mariah Searls), also a native of TN. The family came to Alton, IL, in 1855, and the father died a short time after landing, and the widowed mother was left with a family of five children, the oldest one being 12 years of age. She died in DeWitt Co., IL. in 1874.

Personally, I feel that the two families were closely related but I still have not discovered how. I do not know in which county in North Carolina Archibald was born, nor do I know in which county in Tennessee he lived before moving to Illinois. Our William Overbey left Lauderdale Co. Alabama in 1855. He also lived there in 1840 but he was on the 1850 Federal Census as living in Lauderdale County. - Jackie

The new info found in The Overbury Story documents the link. Both were decendants of Nicholas Overbey ye younger, son of Nicholas Overbey the immigrant from England. While each was decended from a different son of Nicholas ye younger, their families were living in the same area of southern Virginia/northern N. Carolina at the end of the 1700s. I am still looking into info as to exactly how/why William's family followed Archibald's family to northern Tennessee and then this part of Illinois. More to come...

Anderson B. Overbey Family

Anderson B. Overbey was b., 1795 Brunswick, VA. He m. Jane "Jennie" Hartin, b. 1789, Antrim, N. Ireland, dau of James Hartin and Jennie Carmichael. Marriage took place in 1819, Springfield, TN.* They are listed in the 1820 census as living in Robertson Co., TN. They must have moved to Goodspring shortly after their marriage as William was born there. Anderson died in 1855 in Alton, IL. buried Alton City Cem. Jane is believed to have died before 1855 in AL - but I have yet to find documentation of this.

Jane was previously married to John Forgerson (1780-1818) and had 4 children with him: James, unknown girl, Sally, John.* Jane and Anderson [Overly] Overby are shown in the 1820 census living in Springfield, Robertson Co., Tennesse with 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-15, 1 male 26-44, 2 females under 10, 1 female 26-44. 2 persons engaged in farming. The gender and ages of the children matches the ages of Jane's offspring from her first marriage. On the same census page is also James Hartin, probably Jane's brother, on adjacent property.

Jane's sister Elizabeth married Mason Garretson and they were in Sumner Co. (adjacent to Robertson Co.) Tennesse until 1818 when they moved to Giles Co. TN. This was probably the reason that Anderson and Jane Overbey moved to Giles Co in 1820.

* This info from the Hartin Papers found on Ancestory.com

William Overbey and Mariah B. Searles Family

William Overbey was b., October 3, 1820, near Goodsprings, Giles Co. TN. He m. April 11, 1839 Mariah B. Searles, b. February 15, 1819, dau of Henry Surls (Searles) and Ann Beasley, dau of Jesse Fendal Beasley. (Click here to go to the Searles family history.) The Searles, Beasleys, Overbeys, Kimbroughs, Anthonys and Brownings moved from Eastern North Carolina to the Western part, then into Tennessee.

In the 1840 Federal Census of Giles Co., TN, on page 126, I found this information:
A. Overbay--1 male 5-10, 2 m 15-20, 1 m 40-50
1 female 0-5, 1 f 10-15, 1 f 20-30, 1 f 40-50
On page 90
William Overbay--1 m 15-20
1 f 20-30

I believe the two families were father and son. The 1850 Federal Census shows them living ln Lauderdale County. AL. near the towns of Anderson and Goodsprings. A lot of information was destroyed in the Civil War but some have found information in old Bibles. In the Federal 1860 Census of Greene Co., IL. Mt. Airy pct., Athensville post Office, Carlin Township, I found:

Maria Overby 41 f Sewing b. TN.
John H. 17 m Farm Hand b. TN
William A. 16 m
b. TN
Thomas F. 13 m
b. AL
James M. 8 m
b. AL
Luvitha J. 6 f
b. AL

We know that William Overbey and his family had left Lauderdale Co., AL. in 1855, to go to DeWitt Co, IL. William took sick and died enroute on March 15, 1855 and is buried in Alton City Cem., IL. Mariah and the children did go on to DeWitt Co., IL. I found a James Overbey there is the 1860 Federal Census. I also received this information from the old Bible of James Overbey sent to me by Thomas D. Overbey of Clinton, IL.

James Overbey b. July 5, 1824 married Elizabeth ? @ 1841

John Alexander Overbey b. August 5, 1843
Lysenia b. February 18, 1845
James Monroe
b. October 26, 1849
Georgia Ann b. August 25, 1852
Josephine b. September 28, 1855
Elizabeth Alice b. October 5, 1858
Hannah Ellen b. November 29, 1860
Herfenne Darlene b. March 8, 1863

Marriages: (must be grandchildren’s birth dates)

William H. Bruce b. June 18, 1871
Samuel Richard Burk b. January 6, 1879
John William Hardin b. July 7, 1874
Nancy Lucile Hardin b. December 19, 1876
Calunthy Lucile Hardin b. January 5, 1882
George Blain Hardin b. July 15, 1884


James Monroe Overbey d. September 5, 1855
James Overbey d. March 22, 1866
Elizabeth Overbey d. April 12, 1899

John Alexander Overbey (Jr), b 1862 d. 15 Oct 1926, m. Nancy Ann Cowquer, b. 1862, d. 10 Oct 1927, Elkhart, Logan Co, IL
Son: Ira Baskin Overbey, b. 1894, Union Town, KY, d. 6 Dec 1961, Lincoln, IL, m. 5 July 1915, Myrtle May McGreath, b 23 Feb 1896 in IL, d.___? dau of Annis 1877-1955 & William Francis McGreath 1872-1939. Seven children?;
Grandson: Ira Francis Overbey, b. 13 March 1916, d. 29 Sep 1987, Lincoln, IL, m. Helen Clorena Laughner b 31 Aug 1918, Elkhart, IL.
Great Grandson: Thomas L. Overbey, b July, 1945, m. Linda Kay Grattwohl, b Sept., 1944 in Mt. Pulaski, IL. Thomas and Linda have two sons:
Tommy Lee b March, 1966, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Ill.
John Francis b November, 1971, Clinton, DeWitt Co. Ill.
other Children of Ira B. & Myrtle;
3 Marion E. Overbey b. 4 Nov 1919 Elkhart, IL d. 26 Dec 1999 in IL, m. 25 Sep 1937, St Charles, MO, Marguerrete V, Laughner, b. 10 Jan 1920, 4 children;
1 Jerry Overbey, m. Ethel ?
2 Guy Overbey m. Pam
3 Marian Overbey m. William Howerton
4 Emma Overbey m. Gene Boyd
5 John Overbey, m. Marian Peifer Bree
6 Mary Overbey, b. 1921. m. Frank Marcum
7 Cyril "Shory" Overbey, b. 13 Oct 1925, d. Jan 1983, m. Barbara A. __? 1939-2005. Burial, Elkhart Cem
7 Lois JoAnne Overbey, b. 12 Apr 1931 Lincoln, IL, d. 4 Jan 2010, Lincoln, IL, burial, Elkhart, Cem
8 Alice June Overbey, b. 193_, m. George Spraque__?

This information came from James Paul Overbey, Rte #3, Polk Patch Rd., Booneville, Indiana 47601

J. D. Overbey b August 5, 1843
m. N. A. Fletcher b March 25, 1853 IL
m. Alice Reed b. TN
*James M. Overbey b. September 21, 1880
Charles b. September 22, 1871
John M. b. , 1878
J. D. Overbey also married Mary b Kentucky, 1859

Claude Overbey b. May 5, 1887
Annie b. February 20, 1890
Albert b. July 31, 1892
Ira Baskin b. February 4, 1894 Union Town KY

*James M. Overbey m. Susie Eliza Wicks, b Sept. 13,1882, d 1967
Son: Bernie Ellis Overbey, b. March 8, 1917 in Union Town, Ky. m. Pauline Richardson
Grandson: James Paul Overbey b. October 28, 1944 in Evansville, IN. m. Sandra K. Morphew b. January 19, 1947 in Hopkins County, IN. m. July 22, 1963 at Evansville, IN.

This is a copy of information that Wayne Overbey gave me that his mother Sue Overbey had written.

History of William Anderson Overby

His parents--William Overbey, b. Oct. 3, 1820; d. March 14 ,1855. Came from Goodsprings Giles Co. TN. Came up the Tennessee River to Alton, Ill. Where he is buried. Married April 11, 1839 Mariah Serles (born Feb. 15, 1819, died 1873) In 1855 they came by boat to Ill. William died enroute, Mariah with her children settled in DeWitt County. The children were William A., John, Tom, Jim and Luvicy “Luvitha."

William A. was b. March 18, 1844; d. Sept. 18 1917, m. Feb. 24, 1870 Gilly C. Drum. Do not know her birth date, she died in 1883, age about 29 years, so it must have been in 1854 she was born. Six children were born: Purley who died in 1873 at the age of 2; Etsle b. Jan. 15, 1874; 1 girl d. at birth about 1876 Leroy C. b. Feb. 23, 1878; a girl b. and d. at birth 1880; Ebert b. Nov. 1, 1881. Second marriage to Mary F. Pitchford who died with her child about 1884. Third marriage to Catherine (Kate) Carrico Spears about 1885. Child Florence b. Feb. 15, 1887. Catherine d. June 1, 1922.

John had 5 children; Willie, Belle, Jennie, Fanny and Oscar. Belle married a Scoggins.

Thomas had 9 children; Lester, Della, Minnie, clarence, Albert, Ida, Elmer, Lizzie and Eva. Wife died at Eva’s birth. Second marriage to Lona Robison.

James had 6 children; 1 deceased, Thomas, Alva, Ira, Herbert, Carl and Naomi; wife was Laura Ann Drum, sister of Gilly Drum.

Luvicy married a number of times. Three children were born to a marriage to Arthington: Edna, Will and Eddie. Two sons b. when married to Henry Steele, Ora and Lester. Can give no account of her other marriages.

Received from the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library on July 17, 1985.
In Florence, Alabama, just across the Tenn. line.
Microfilm Number 317 East of the Military Road
1850 Census, Lauderdale County , AL.

Household 218

Overby Anderson 55 VA Farmer

Jane 61 Ireland

Richard 26
Fergison Drury 17

Lucinda 13

Micheal 10
Who were these children living with the Overbey’s?

In answer to the above question who were these children - they are the orphans of Jane Overbey's son James from her first marriage to John Forgerson. He and his wife died prior to 1850 so the grandparents must have taken them in.

Household 219

Overbey William 30 TN Laborer

Miah ? 31 TN

John (Henry) 8 TN

William 6 AL

Thomas 2 AL


In compiling this genealogy I am using the numbering system, which is simple and easy to understand, number 1 is the first born in each family. I do not know which child in the family Anderson Overbey was--so I will number him 1. William had an older half siblings, so his number is 1-2. He is the 2nd child in the 2nd generation. -Jackie

- Overbey Family Geneology & Family Information -

1. Anderson Overbey born 1794 or 1795 in Virginia. He m. 1819 in Springfield, Robertson Co. Tenn. Jane Hartin b. about 1789 in No. Ireland. Lived near Goodsprings, Giles Co., TN. where their children were born. It appears they moved to Lauderdale Co., AL, just across the state line about 1843. I noticed the towns of Anderson and Goodsprings located in Lauderdale Co. According to Alton, IL, Lovejoy Cemetery records Anderson died & was buried there on 15 March 1855, one day after his son & is buried next to son William. The two families were traveling to Deland, DeWitt, IL. together. Note - the early cemetery records at Alton, IL, spelled as Overbury. Anderson served in the US Army in the war of 1812. Five known children;
1-1 Older half siblings, Drury, Lucinda, and Michael Forgerson**
1-2 William Overbey, b. 5 Oct 1820 in TN
1-3 Richard Anderson Overbey, b. 18 Jan 1823 near Goodspring, TN
1-4 James Overbey 5 July 1824-22 March 1866 m. 1841 Elizabeth Ann Myers 1824-12 April 1899
1-5 Thomas Overbey, b. 1825
according to Ancestry.com there was also Jane Overbey b. 1824-1889

**In looking at census it was originally assumed there was an older sibling. Based on new information from several sources we now know about the half brothers and sisters from Janes previous marriage. It would be very difficult to change the numbering system already in place based on the original assumption. So I have assigned the 1-1 to the half siblings.

1-2 William Overbay or Overbey, was b. 3 Oct 1820 near Goodsprings, Giles Co., TN. (No record). He m. 11 Apr 1839 Mariah B. Searls, b. 15 Feb 1819, d. 20 Sep 1873, in DeWitt Co., IL. dau of Henry Searls, (also spelled Surles, Sirles, Serles, Surls and Searles.) and Ann Beasley, who was the oldest dau of Susan and Jesse Fendal Beasley. William and Mariah, with their five children left Alabama, by boat, to go to Dewitt Co., IL., in 1855. William took sick and died March 14, 1855 either on the boat or soon after the landing at Alton, Madison Co., IL. He is buried in Alton City (Lovejoy) Cem, although there is an unreable stone on his grave. The five known children were:
1-2-1 John H. Overbey, b. April 23, 1842 (family information follows on this page)
1-2-2 William Anderson Overbey, b. March 18, 1844 (family information follows on this page)
1-2-3 Thomas Franklin Overbey, b. May 8, 1848 (click here to go directly to this family history)
1-2-4 James Martin "Jim" Overbey, b. June 22, 1852 (click here to go directly to this family history)
1-2-5 Luvicy (Luvitha) Jane, b. June 4, 1854 (see end of James Martin page for her family information)

1-2-1 John H. Overbey Family

John H. Overby m. 23 Apr 1871 DeWitt Co, IL, Mary Francis Mewhinney, b. 17 Dec 1846 in IL, d. 12 Apr 1941, Wapella, Dewitt Co, IL dau of Nancy Clark, b, 1-1-1825, d. 1899 & William Mewhinney, b. 4-26-1818, d. 5-15-1895. Mary is buried in the Houchin Plot of Crum Cem, Wapella Township, Section 28, DeWitt Co., IL. John d. 7 Feb 1884, Decatur, Macon Co, IL, possibly buried in the same cem. without/or with unreadable head stone next to her. Mary m. [2] 18 Feb 1888 Dewitt, Co, IL, Larkin Houchin, b. 1851. They had a son Charles J. Houchin. John & Mary, Seven children, b, Wapello, DeWitt Co, IL:
1-2-1-1 Nancy Mariah Overbey, b. 1872 d. Aug, 1946
1-2-1-2 Clara “Belle” Overby, b. Feb 15, 1874, d. 16 Jul 1966
1-2-1-3 Jennie Almeda Overbey, b. 5 March 1876 m. 3 Jul 1893 Livingston Co, IL, George A. Cushman
1-2-1-4 William Franklin Overbey, 10 April 1878-24 Mar 1962, m. 1900, Wapella , IL, Iva May Kinann, b. 1882, Livingston Co, IL, dau of Mary F Barker 1/17/1859-7/20/1947 & John C. Kinann 7/1855-. William was a carpenter and lived near Pontiac, IL
1-2-1-5 Fannie Overbey, b. aft 1880
1-2-1-6 J. Oscar Overbey b. 1883, m. Melissa ?, 1877-1962. Oscar d. 31 May 1954 in IL, burial Crum Cem. Wapella, IL. [name, 1900 census & Crum Cem.]
1-2-1-7 Ida Overbey b. aft 1884 no info, not shown in 1900 census
Mary & Larkin, a son b. Dewitt Co, IL;
1 Charles J. Houchin b. 1890

John H. and Mary Overbey photo
John H. Overby and his wife

Will Overby

Oscar Overby

Nancy M. Overbey m. 16 May 1893 Pontiac, Livingston, IL, Orrin Grant Pearson 28 May 1866, IL.-22 April 1945, Nancy d. 26 Sept 1946, Peoria, IL, burial, Camp Cem, Pontiac, IL. Six children; Two still born.
1-2-1-1-1 Orion Edger Pearson, 27 May 1897 all Pontiac, IL - 14 Aug 1959
1-2-1-1-2 Eva J. Pearson, 21 April 1900 - 21 Oct 1901
1-2-1-1-3 Rachel Frances Pearson. 26 Oct 1903 - 7 March 1990
1-2-1-1-4 Mary Ida Pearson, b. 18 Feb 1904 -11 Feb 1965

Mary I. Pearson m. Birge Orville Geer, 1 Dec 1905, Page Co, IA.-8 Jul 2000 Villisca, IA. Mary d. Clarinda, IA, burial, Yorktown, IA.

Clara Belle Overbey m. Oct. 9, 1894, Cayuga, Livingston Co, IL, Claude Lenoir Scoggins, b. Sep 2, 1874, Greenfield, Greene Co, IL, d. Aug. 15, 1947, Taylorville, Christain Co, IL, son of Laura Ellen Allen & John Scoggins. They celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniv. at their home in Raymond, IL. Belle d. July 16, 1966, Clayton, St Louis Co, MO. Burial in Morrisonville Cem, IL. Six children:
1-2-1-2-1 Winifred Blanche Scoggins, b. Dec 10, 1895, Greenfield, Greene Co, IL
1-2-1-2-2 Dena Lea Scoggins, b. Sep 25, 1899, Greenfield,
1-2-1-2-3 Harley Lenoir Scoggins, b. Jan 29, 1900 Christian Co, IL
1-2-1-2-4 Jessie Belle Scoggins, b. Jan 27, 1905 Morrisonville, Christian Co,
1-2-1-2-5 Leland Ray Scoggins, b. April 3, 1907, lived in Rock Island, IL in 1944
1-2-1-2-6 Helen Marjorie Scoggins, b. May 15, 1911 m. ? Bailey and lived in Edinburg, IL in 1944
They had 11 grand children and 3 great grandchildren at that time but I have not been able to get any answer
This clipping (click here to view clipping) was from the Illinois State Journal, date of Oct. 15, 1944. I found it among other clippings in a box belonging to Florence Overbey, who was my mother-in-law (Jackie)

Winifred B. Scoggins m. in IL, Walter Russell Davis, Feb 28 1895 Pawnee, IL.-4 Oct 1965, Paw Paw, Van Buren, MI. She d, 17 Nov 1918, burial, Morrisonville Cem IL, possibly the great 1918 flu epidemic. A daughter;
1-2-1-2-1-1 Ruth Irene Davis, b. 15 Aug 1918-8 Apr 2003

Ruth Davis m. Vincent William Catizon, 1 Mar 1915-23 Nov 1990. Burial Calvary Cem, Pawnee, IL. Ruth d. 8 Apr 2003.

Dena Scoggins m. 16 Dec 1916, Decatur, Macon Co, IL, Charles Andrew Black, 22 Jun 1894, in IL,-1 Nov 1981. Dena d. 12 Feb 1974, DeLand, Volusia Co, FL. Burial, DeLand Mem, Gardens Cem. Two daughters;
1-2-1-2-2-1 Dorothy Lorraine Black, b. Dec 1917 Taylorville, IL
1-2-1-2-2-2 Elizabeth Bonnabel Bonnie Black, b. Jun 1925 Blue Mound, IL

Dorothy Black m. 1937 in KS, Paul Richard Brookover 1915-28 Oct 1979 in PA. Dorothy d. 22 Dec 2001, DeLand, Volusia Co, FL. Burial, DeLand Mem Gardens.

Donna Brookover m. 1961, Midwest City, OK. David Dewett Barber, 17 Jan 1940 Enid, OK,-8 Dec 2008, DeLand, FL. Burial, DeLand Meml Gardens Cem. Three children;
1-2-1-2-2-1-2-1 Denice Lorene Barber
1-2-1-2-2-1-2-2 Daniel Dewitt Barber
1-2-1-2-2-1-2-3 Donald Richard Barber

Bonnie Black m. Jay Kenneth Black, 29 Mar 1921, Ponca City, Kay Co, OK.-6 Aug 1973, DeLand, FL, son of Leona Healick & Perry Black. Jay enlisted in the US Navy in 1942 after the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor and stayed in for 20 years. Bonnie d. 5 Dec 2015, Deland FL. Burial, DeLand Mem, Gardens Cem.

Harley Scoggins m. 2 Oct 1920, Myrtle Maye Manhdink, b. 19 Jun 1899, Raymond, IL-31 Aug 1997 Decatur, IL they divorced. Harley d. 29 Sep 1956, Decatur, Macon Co, IL, burial, Morrisonville Cem, IL. A daughter;
1-2-1-2-3-1 Alma Jeanne Scoggins, b. 2 April 1921, Morrisonville, IL

Alma Jeanne Scoggins m. 25 Nov 1936, Decatur, Macon Co. IL, Robert E. Bainter, b. 15 Jan 1919 in IL, d. 8 Nov 1985 Decatur, IL. Jeanne was a dress maker for many years. Jeanne d. 23 Dec 2003, Knoxville, TN. Burial, Graceland Cem, Decatur, IL. A daughter, b. Decatur, IL;
1-2-1-2-3-1-1 Sharon Ann Sherie Bainter

Sharon Bainter m. William Bill Adams, have two daughters & two grandchildren. [per 2003 obit]

Jessie Belle Scoggins m. 20 Sep 1922, Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL, Thomas Franklin Orr, 30 Aug 1901 in IL,-13 Apr 1984. Jessie d. 27 Jun 1987 in Clayton, MO. Burial, Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO. Two children;
1-2-1-2-4-1 Patricia Jeanne Orr, b. 5 Aug 1925 both Litchfield, IL.
1-2-1-2-4-2 Thomas Harold Tom Orr, b. 5 Dec 1926

Patricia Orr m. May 1952, Marvin E. Detjen, 21 Jan 1927, New Wells, MO,-8 Feb 2008, St Charles, MO. Pat d. 10 Apr 2004, St Charles, MO.

Ray Scoggins m. [1] 17 Feb 1925, De Witt, IL. Gertrude Maxine Summer, they divorced. Ray m. [2] 24 Dec 1929, Ella May Fleming, b. 3 Aug 1909, IL, to Vallie M Pearce 5/27/1908-4/15/1931 & Rabourn Fleming 1886-1922. Ella d. Jan 1986. Ray d. 3 Aug 1951, New Albany, Floyd Co, IN, and is buried there in Fairview Cem. Ray & Maxine, a son, Ray & Ella, two daughters;
1-2-1-2-5-1 David Lawrence Scoggins, b. Dec 1926 all IL
1-2-1-2-5-2 Beverly Rae Scoggins, b. Aug 1931
1-2-1-2-5-3 Joan Darlene Scoggins, b. May 1934

Joan Scoggins m. John William Adams Jr. son of Mary Cecelia Etter & John William Adams. Need info

Marjorie Scoggins m. Oct 23, 1928, Decatur, Macon Co, IL, Bernard Max Bailey, b. Sep 10, 1905 Blue Mound Tshp, Macon Co, IL, d. May 24, 1991, Bryan, Brazos Co, TX, son of Annie Elmira & Vernon Bailey. She d. 1 Apr 2006 College Station, Brazos Co, TX. They are buried in College Station, TX. Six children
1-2-1-2-6-1 Donald Max Bailey, b. June 1932 Decatur, Macon Co, IL
1-2-1-2-6-2 Vernon Claude Bailey, b. May 1934 Decatur, Macon Co, IL
1-2-1-2-6-3 Floyd Gene Bailey, b. & d. 17 Sep 1935 Decatur, Macon Co, IL, buried Salem Cem, there
1-2-1-2-6-4 Lloyd Dean Bailey, b. & d. 17 Sep 1935 Twin Decatur, Macon Co, IL
1-2-1-2-6-5 Lynn Richard Bailey, b. Apr 1946 Taylorville, IL
1-2-1-2-6-6 Diane Marlene Bailey, b. Jun 1952 Taylorville, IL

JENNIE A. OVERBEY m. 3 July 1893, near Pontiac, Livingston Co, IL, George A. Cushman, b. 4 Sep 1869, d. 19 June 1955, Livingston Co, IL. Jennie d. 11 Feb 1942, Livingston Co, IL, burial Schmidt plot, Camp Cem N of Pontiac IL. 5 children b. in IL.
1-2-1-3-1 Helen F.Cushman, b. Aug 21 1896 d. Jan 14 1920
1-2-1-3-2 Mabel Fern Cushman, b. Oct 29 1898 d. Mar 1 1974
1-2-1-3-3 Gertrude Gertie Cushman, 1 July 1901 d. 8 Jan 1935
1-2-1-3-4 Irma Cushman, 17 Jun 1905 Wapella, DeWitt, IL. d. 19 Jun 1966
1-2-1-3-5 William W. Cushman, 14 June 1908 d. 28 Nov 1965

Mabel Cushman m. 24 Feb 1916, Clinton, IL, Richard Emmett Sympson, 29 Dec 1891, Larue, KY,-4 July 1949, Waynesville, DeWitt, IL. Mabel d. 1 March 1974, Clinton, IL. Five children;
1-2-1-3-2-1 Dorothy Eileen Sympson, 19 April 1917, IL. - 22 Sep 2002
1-2-1-3-2-2 Howard E. Sympson, 1 April 1921 - 9 July 1983
1-2-1-3-2-3 Kenneth Gerald Sympson, 27 Sept 1923 - 11 Mar 1980
1-2-1-3-2-4 Marjorie I Sympson, 19 May 1925 - 11 May 2003
1-2-1-3-2-5 Richard Stanley Sympson, 5 Nov 1932 - 3 Aug 2020

Dorothy Sympson m. 10 July 1935, Bloomington, IL, Joseph D. McKinzey, 16 July 1913 Wapella, IL,-7 Mar 2008, Clinton, IL. He was a farmer & a Bulldozer operater. Dorothy d. 22 Sept 2002, Clinton, IL. 5 children;
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-1 Betty McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2 Wayne Lee McKinzey, 1 April 1936, McLean Co, IL -21 July 2002
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-3 Beverly McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-4 Lois McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-5 Marjorie McKinzey

Wayne L. McKinzey m. 1935 in IL, Patsy Joan Polen, 26 Feb 1938-10 Sept 2010, Wayne served in the US Army. Wayne d. 21 July 2002, Clinton, IL. Burial, Memorial Park, Clinton. Six children;
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-1 Douglas McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-2 Lisa McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-3 Shannon McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-4 Shirley McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-5 Joe McKinzey
1-2-1-3-2-1-1-2-6 Ronald Eugene McKinzey

Howard Sympsonm. in IL Betty E Garr b. 1930-8 Feb 2001. Howard served in the US Army, WW2. Howard d. 9 July 1983, VA Hosp, Danville, IL. A dau;
1-2-1-3-2-2-2 Dixie Lee Sympson, 24 Aug 1942 - 14 May 2002, Normal, IL

Marjorie I Sympson m. Teddy Hall Jr 13 Mar 1920-17 Oct 2002, Hillsboro, IL.
1-2-1-3-2-3 Mary Jane Hall, b.& d. 20 Nov 1952

GERTRUDE CUSHMAN m. in IL, Walter G. Schmidt, b. IL, b 11 April 1900, d. 7 April 1957,
son Sophia 1869-1916 & Herman Schmidt 1859-1935. Gertie d. 8 Jan 1935, both prob Livingston Co, IL. Burial Camp Cem. Four known children b. in IL;
1-2-1-3-3-1 Walter J. Schmidt, 11 Dec 1920,- 18 Apr 1998
1-2-1-3-3-2 Merna Gertrude Schmidt, b. 7 Sep 1922- 24 Oct 1993
1-2-1-3-3-3 Donald Wayne Schmidt, 5 Mar 1924 Pontiac, IL,-10 Dec 2008
1-2-1-3-3-4 Raymond L. Schmidt 12 Apr 1927- 16 Jan 2015

Walter Schmidt m. Phyllis E, Bolin

Merna Schmidt m. Francis Marion Cashmer, 14 Oct 1920-21 Jul 2000

Donald W. Schmidt m. Feb 1945, Pontiac, IL, Elizabeth Y. Betty White, 16 Sep 1926, Pontiac, IL.-23 Jul 2014, Paxton, IL. Don d. 10 Dec 2008, Thawville, IL, burial, Ridgeland Township Cem. Four children;
1-2-1-3-3-3-1 David
1-2-1-3-3-3-2 Daniel
1-2-1-3-3-3-3 Douglas
1-2-1-3-3-3-4 Peggy

Raymond Schmidt m. Jean E Ertmoed, 12 Feb 1924, Pontiac, IL-31 Aug 1984, Pontiac, IL. Ray d. 16 Jan 2015, Pontiac, IL, Two children;
1-2-1-3-3-4 Dale
1-2-1-3-3-4 Janice

Irma Cushman m. 24 Oct 1925, Pontiac, Livingston, IL Charles Eugene Taylor 13 Mar 1891-13 Jul 1981, Dwight, IL, son of Elizabeth Ann Rait, 1859-1937 & Barnwell Alexander Taylor 1855-1934. and lived in Dwight, IL. Irma d. 19 Jun 1966, Dwight, IL. Burial, Oak Lawn Cem, Five children;
1-2-1-3-4-1 Calvin E. Taylor, b. 16 Aug 1926, Cayuga, IL
1-2-1-3-4-2 Valgene Taylor
1-2-1-3-4-3 Wilma Lavonne Taylor
1-2-1-3-4-4 Arnold Taylor, b. 21 Oct 1933-27 Sep 1987, Morris, IL US Navy 53-56
1-2-1-3-4-? Maxine Taylor

Calvin Taylor m. Sycamore, IL, Elwanda I. Anderson, 13 Oct 1933, Strawberry, AR.-15 Nov 2015 Sycamore, IL. Calvin d. 25 Dec 2010, Morris Hospital, IL. Burial, Oak Lawn Cem, Dwight, IL. 4 children.

WILLIAM CUSHMAN m. in IL, Ella Florence Obert 1 March 1916,-20 Nov 1977, William d. 28 Nov 1965, both prob Livingston Co, IL, burial, Camp Cem. A son
1-2-1-3-5-1 William L. Cushman

1-2-1-4 William F. Overbey m. Iva May Kenann b, Feb 1881, Livingston Co, IL,-1959, Pontiac, IL. William d. 24 Mar 1962, Pontiac, IL.

1-2-1-6 J Oscar Overbey m. 30 Apr 1951 in IL, Melissa Southern, 26 Aug 1876,-2 Apr 1962. Clinton, Dewitt Co, IL, dau of Jimima Spangler 1845-1924 & James Southern. Oscar lived with his mother most of his life and married late. Oscar d. 31 May 1954, Clinton, IL, burial, Crum Cem, Wappela, IL.

1-3 Richard Overby is shown living with his brother Thomas in Dewitt Co, IL, and is shown in 1860 IL census with a daughter, b. Lauderdale Co, AL;
1-3-1 Mary Cathrine Overby, b. 1851

1-4 Thomas Overby married Lydia Ann ?? b. 1825 in Tenn, 2 children, born in Dewitt Co. IL

1-2-2 William Anderson Overbey Family

Photo of William A. Overbey1-2-2 William Anderson Overbey born 18 Mar 1844, Goodspring, Giles Co., TN, (or Lauderdale Co, AL as shown on 1850 census). He was eleven years old when his father died at Alton, IL. enroute to DeWitt Co, IL. His mother, Mariah B. Searls-Overbey, with her five children were in Greene Co., IL in the 1860 Federal Census, where William lived most of the rest of his life. William farmed 1 mile E. of Fayette in Macoupin Co, IL. 5 miles SE of Greenfield, IL where he died 18 Sep 1917. He m. (1) 24 Feb 1870 Gila C. Gilly Drum, b. 29 April 1854, d. 5 Mar 1883 at home, dau of Nancy Wright & Willie Drum. Willie was the oldest of Gila Wood & John Drum's children. William m. (2) 12 Sep 1883, Fayette IL, Mary F. Pitchford, b. 22 Nov 1847 in IL, d. 11 July 1884 with her child, dau of Malinda Boggess & Eli Pitchford. William m. (3) 30 Dec 1884, Greene Co. IL, Catherine Kate Esther Carrico Spears, d, 1 June 1922, dau of Reuben Carrico. Kate Spears had 7 children, all died under the age of 18 years. Effie lived the longest, she was nearly 18 years. All, buried in Oak Wood Cem. The William A. Overbey farm is now owned by David E. Woods, gr grandson of William's brother Thomas Overbey.
William & Gilly, six children b. near Greenfield, IL
1-2-2-1 Purley B. Overbey, b. Sep 5, 1871, d. Jun 5, 1873
1-2-2-2 Etsle Overbey, b. January 15, 1874, d. April 18, 1938
1-2-2-3 A girl, b. July 7, 1876, d. July 17, 1876
1-2-2-4 Leroy Charles Overbey, b. Feb 23, 1878, d. Jan 14, 1957 (click here to go directly to this family history)
1-2-2-5 A girl, b. & d. Aug16, 1880
1-2-2-6 Ebert Overbey, b. Nov 1, 1881, d. Jan 29, 1932 (click here to go directly to this family history)
William & Mary had a child
1-2-2-7 Infant, b. & d. 11 July 1884
William and Kate had one child:
1-2-2-8 Florence Lenora Overbey, b. Feb 15, 1887, d. Jan 12, 1968 (click here to go directly to this family history)

William A. Overbey homestead

Home of William A. Overbey. 1 mile E. of Fayette, IL, N. side of road.
Kate, William A., Etsle, Sue, Hilda, Vern and Nelson in his mother's arms.
Photo taken in January of 1909.

Etsle & Susan Barry Sloman Overbey Family

Etsle Overbey m. 25 Nov 1903, Auburn, Sangamon Co., IL, by Rev J. P. Alexander, Susan Barry Sloman, b. 1 Nov 1882, on the farm of her parents, Adaline Addie Barry Flagg & Mark Sloman, S of Pawnee, near Zenobia, Montgomery Co., IL. They lived with his father William on the farm 1 mile E. of Fayette in Macoupin Co. until 1918, when they bought a 160 acre farm 3/4 miles S. of Fayette. The E edge of the farm was the Greene Co. line. Etsle farmed there until he died at home, 18 April 1938. Sue lived two months a year with each of her children until her death in the hospital in Jacksonville, IL. 7 Aug 1969. Burial, Oak Wood Cem Greenfield. (Click here for the Sloman family information)
Six children b. on the Wm. A. Overbey farm a mile E of Fayette in Macoupin Co. IL
1-2-2-2-1 Hilda Elizabeth Hidge Overbey, b. Oct. 5, 1904, d. Oct. 12, 1998
1-2-2-2-2 LaVerne Mark Overbey, b. Feb. 6, 1906, d. June 26, 1982
1-2-2-2-3 Nelson Morris Overbey, b. Sep. 7, 1907, d. Sep. 17, 1995
1-2-2-2-4 Myra Florence Overbey, b. Aug. 12, 1909, d, Dec. 18, 2004
1-2-2-2-5 Wayne Irwin Overbey, b. Sep. 27, 1914, d. Jan. 31, 1998
1-2-2-2-6 William Anderson Bill Overbey, b. Jan. 30, 1918, d. Sep. 16, 2003

Overbey Family c. 1920

From left: Susan Sloman Overbey, Wayne, William, Etsle, Myra, Hilda, Nelson, and Verne.

The family was very proud of their Barry ancestory, and kept 2 copies of the book "The Barry Family Records." Click here to view that manuscript which documents the family history going as far back as the Normans crossing into England in 1066 a.d.

Hilda (Overbey) and Stan RussellHilda Overbey m. Oct 18, 1924 Alton, Madison Co., IL. Standlee D. Russell, b. Jul 7, 1902, St Louis, MO, d. Jan. 16, 1959 St Lukes Hosp, St Louis, son of Maggie Mae Myers, b. 4/14/1869 Champaign CO., IL d. 11/7/1929 St Louis, Co. MO & Lew Andrew Russell, b. 6/12/1867 Mexico, MO, d. 10 /29/1918, Cherryvale KS in the 1918 flu epidemic. Stan worked for Chevrolet Div. of GM in St. Louis. Stans parents and a brother are buried in Fairview Cem in Cherryvale, KS. When Hilda was 11 years old walking home from school one fall afternoon she felt like a bee sting on her upper arm, when she felt her arm she found blood on her arm and discovered she had been hit by a stray bullet. She heard later that someone shooting at a bird some distance away did it, she carried a lead bullet in her arm the rest of her life. Hilda m. (2) May 19, 1962 at Jennnings, MO, John Edward Smith, b. April 19, 1899 Richwoods, MO, d. Apr 26 1995 Potosi, Washington Co. MO. Burial Laurel Hill Cem, St Louis Co, MO. John worked at the Chevrolet plant for 43 years. He loved to hunt and fish. Hilda lived and raised her four boys in the same home for 59 years, at 5230 Hodiamont, Jennings, MO. Click here for her Tapioca Fruit Salad recipe a family favorite! Hilda d. Oct. 12, 1998 New Florence, Montgomery Co. MO, the same day as her brother Wayne's wife Neffa Overbey. Hilda and Stan are buried in Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO, Four sons,
1-2-2-2-1-1 Donald Lee Don Russell, b. St Louis
1-2-2-2-1-2 Robert Louis Bob Russell, b. 8 Oct 1927 Fayette, Greene Co. IL. d. 7 July 2008
1-2-2-2-1-3 Jack Myers Russell, b. May 24, 1930 St Louis, d. 20 June 2012
1-2-2-2-1-4 Richard Wayne Dick Russell, b. St Louis. d. 30 May 2022

Dick, Jack, Bob and Don Russell, Dec. 2004
Dick, Jack, Bob and Don Russell, December 2004

Don Russell, 2013.

Don Russell m.(1) Oct 1948, Antioch Baptist Ch, Chesterfield, St Louis Co. MO, Helen Jean Sontag, b. 24 Sep 1928, Manchester, St Louis Co, Mo, d. 3 Nov 1993, Boone Co, MO, dau of Lucy Emma Jones, d. 1971 & Edward Oscar Sontag 1889-1968. Divorced 1952. Don m.(2) April 1956, Grace Methodist Ch, St Louis, Louise Mamie Smith, b. 6 April 1924, Ellington, Reynolds Co, MO, dau of Lillie May Vinson and Wm. Carter Smith. Louise had 8 brothers, 2 sisters and a twin named Lucile Maude. One thing Don remembers as a child, that their father would line all 4 boys up at bedtime and give each one a tablespoon full of cod liver oil, probably contributed to their lifelong good health. Don served in the U.S. Army Air Force from July 1944-June 1946 at Amarillo, TX, Kingman, AZ, where he trained to be a gunner on B-17s, Lincoln AAF, NE. Selman Field, Monroe, LA, and occupied Germany, stationed at Furth/Nuremberg with the 8th & 9th AF from Dec 1945 until discharged at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Don & Lou went to Hawii for the 50th Anniv, of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Dec. 1991. Don retired Mar 1981 from the Defense Mapping Ag. Don drove a Senior Citizens bus for Florissant, MO. for 7 years, where he lives at 20 Mercury Dr. 63031. Don soloed 1 Aug 1946 in a Piper Cub at Lambert Field, then flew for over 50 years without missing a month. Don is a member of the Quiet Birdmen QB St Louis Hangar. Don & Lou took their daughters on many nice vacations to all over the U.S. Louise d. at home from Pancreatic cancer 15 Dec 1998, Florissant, St Louis Co, MO. Lou & son, burial, Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO. Don m.[3] 13 November 2020 at home Roxanne Eaton, b. Guthrie, OK, dau of Mr & Mrs Harry Shepard. 3 children:
1-2-2-2-1-1-1 Cynthia Lucile Russell
1-2-2-2-1-1-2 Julie Marie Russell
1-2-2-2-1-1-3 Stuart Craig Russell, b. 27 Nov 1966 d. 22 Dec 1966

Jeanette Florence McAdams

Bob Russell m. 19 Mar 1947, Moulton, Lawrence Co, AL, Jeanette Florence McAdams, b. 30 April 1930, Roodhouse, Greene Co, IL, dau of Margaret Madden Whittneber & Lee McAdams. Bob joined the Navy June 1945. He took his boot camp training at Great Lakes, IL, then served at the Fleet Post Offices in Oakland and San Francisco, CA. Bob completed his service aboard the Battleship U.S.S. New Jersey out of Long Beach, CA. and was discharged at Bellingham, WA. Bob retired from the Beneficial Finance Co. Jeanette d. 19 Oct 1994, St Lukes Hosp, St Louis Co, MO, Bob m. (2) 4 Jan 1998, Las Vegas, NV, Doris Virginia Mayes, b. 3 July 1948 Hunnewell, MO, dau of Dororthy Lorene Lee & Thomas Guy Mayes. Bob d. 7 July 2008, St Joseph West Hosp, Lake St Louis, St Charles Co, MO, his fathers birthday, burial Warrenton City Cem, MO. 2 children.
1-2-2-2-1-2-1 Kathleen Ann Kathy Russell
1-2-2-2-1-2-2 Nancy Elizabeth Russell

Kathy Russell m. 1970, Berkeley, St Louis Co., MO. Timothy David Wakeland, b. 1950, Tim retired from the GM plant at Wentzville MO. Two children,
1-2-2-2-1-2-1-1 Toni Marie Wakeland
1-2-2-2-1-2-1-2 Timothy Robert Wakeland

Toni Wakeland m. 1991 Scott Hayden, b. 1967. They divorced. Toni lives in Troy, MO. Three children;
1-2-2-2-1-2-1-1-1 Hannah Joleen Hayden, b. 9 Jan 1996
1-2-2-2-1-2-1-1-2 Jackson Elliot Hayden, b. 23 Jul 2001
1-2-2-2-1-2-1-1-3 Ella Oneil Hayden, b. 20 Jun 2003

Nancy Russell m. 1976, Zion Methodist Ch, Troy, Lincoln Co, MO. David Lee Harrell, b. 1956 to Alice Mae Yon 12/26/1924-2/21/2017 & Harry Harrell. Live on their farm 1 mile east of Bellflower, Montgomery Co., MO. Two children;
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-1 Shannon Lee Harrell
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-2 Jesse David Harrell

Shannon Harrell m. 1998, Jared Michael Brower, b. 1978 Mexico, MO. They divorced. Shannon m. [2] 2015 Zion Methodist Ch, Marvin Null, b. 17 Sep 1974. Shannon is a cook in charge of dining at an elder care home in Montgomery City, MO. Two children;
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-1-1 Tyler Michael Brower
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-1-2 Jeanette Lee Brower

Jesse Harrell m. 2012, Dardenne, MO. Anna Merz, b. 1989. Three Children:
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-1 Josie Lou Harrell
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-2 Wade Thomas Harrell
1-2-2-2-1-2-2-2-3 Hank Robert Harrell

Jack M. Russell m. 5 Feb 1948, St Louis, MO, Geraldine Mary Jeri Stahl, b. 19 May 1930, St Louis Co, MO, d. 2 Sep 2010, Jonesburg, Montgomery Co, MO, dau of Ellen Amelia Pigeon 12/30/1909-5/8/1985 & Theodore Barney Stahl 6/16/1909-5/18/1957. Jack retired from Exxon Plastics, Wentzville, MO. Jerry worked at the Monsanto Chemical Co, O'Fallon, MO., making computer chips. They retired in the 1990s. Jack died 20 June 2012 riding his ATV in his driveway at home, he always enjoyed hunting deer on Lewis Overbey's farm along with several other relatives that show up for the "beer" season. Burial, Mt Pleasant Cem, High Hill, MO, Jack lived in Jonesburg, Mo. Seven children.
1-2-2-2-1-3-1 Jack Robert Russell, b. 8 Mar 1949, d. 26 Feb 2024
1-2-2-2-1-3-2 Jeri Lynne Russell
1-2-2-2-1-3-3 Janet Lee Russell
1-2-2-2-1-3-4 James Edward Jim Russell
1-2-2-2-1-3-5 Judith Ellen Judy Russell
1-2-2-2-1-3-6 Jeffrey Michael Russell
1-2-2-2-1-3-7 Jay Donald Russell


Richard Dick Russell m. 10 Dec 1954, Manor Presbyterian Ch, Jennings, St Louis, MO, Evelyn Joan Zweifel, 2 August 1935, Jennings, St Louis, MO.-30 August 2005, DePaul Hosp, Bridgeton, St Louis, MO. dau of Margaret Belle Taschler, 8/14/1913-4/14/1987 & Oscar William Zweifel, 10/2/1912-8/23/1989. When Rich was about age 3, he was very ill at home & Doc Farley stopped by home to see how he was doing, he had stop breathing just then, Doc, thankfully got him back to breathing. Rich joined the US Air Force 8 Sept 1950. Stationed 1 year at Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX. where he attended aircraft mechanics school & Albrook AFB, Panama CZ, where he spent three years as crew chief of a C-47 flying to many countries in Central & So America. He retired from McDonnell/Douglas Aircraft. On 11 Dec 2004, Rich & Evelyn celebrated their 50th wedding anniv. at the A.L. Post 444 near their home near the Missouri River, Florissant, MO. Rich d. 30 May 2022, Memorial Day, Creve Coeur, MO. Burial, Midlawn Meml Gardens, Union, MO. Four children;
1-2-2-2-1-4-1 Richard Lee Russell
1-2-2-2-1-4-2 Alan William Al Russell
1-2-2-2-1-4-3 Tamra Jean Russell
1-2-2-2-1-4-4 Robert Stanley Bob Russell

Richard L Russell m. 1982, San Diego, CA. Jan Margaret Price of Perth, Western Australia. Hilda, his gr-mother, writes The only information I have of her people is that her father was an English Army Officer. Rick was a U.S. Navy Nuclear Officer on a Nuclear Submarine and was stationed at Newport News. He went into the reserves in the 1980s and was called up for duty during the Gulf War and stationed at Bahrain near Kuwait. Rick has had some very interesting jobs. He worked in air defense in Cheyenne Mountain at Colorado Springs and at Cape Canaveral, FL. Rick was a civilian Pacific missile range officer and lived 5 yrs on Kwajilean in The Marshall Islands. Now retired to Kauai, Island, Hawaii. No children.

LaVerne Vern Overbey m. 16 Mar 1925 near Greenfield, IL, Christine Herndon Tudor, b. 10 April 1907, Richmond, Madison Co, KY, d. 2 Nov1991 dau of Daisy Lee [nee] Tudor 5/12/1881-11/8/56 & Jacob Edgar Tudor. Verne lived in St Louis and drove a truck hauling new Chevys in the early 1930s. He then returned to farming late in the 30s and bought his parents farm in 1943 and farmed there until his retirement. The farm was located 5 miles SE of Greenfield, IL. Verne sold the farm and moved into Greenfield, IL. Vern died suddenly at home of a heart attack 26 June 1982. Burial OakWood Cem. Three sons:
1-2-2-2-2-1 Gordon Laverne Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-2 Deward Lee Dewey Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-3 Lewis Wayne Overbey

Lewis, Dewey and Gordon Overbey at Overbey/Russell reunion, 2006, New Florence, MO.

Gordon Overbey m. Aug 1947, Greenfield Baptist Ch, Greene Co, IL, Betty Janelle Sample, b. Jan. 1929, dau of Florence Violet Pruitt, 3/29/1898-10/10/71 & Clyde Richard Sample, 8/25/1891-7/31/64. Gordon was president [and retired from] of the Deeks and Co. (Manufacturers Rep). He has a BS Degree in Chemistry from the Univ of Illinois. He served in the U.S. Navy as an aircrewman from 1944 to 1946. Three sons:
1-2-2-2-2-1-1 Terry Lee Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-1-2 Gordon Neal Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-1-3 Roger Alan Overbey

Terry Overbey m. 1973, Bethleham, PA., Lynette Ruth Pudvin, b. 1949 Buffalo, Erie Co, NY, dau of Ruth McLernon & John Francis Pudvin. Terry has a Degree in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern Univ. and a Law Degree from Ohio State U. Lynette has a degree in Sociology, Northwestern U. and a Law Degree from Ohio State U. Terry was a VP at Procter & Gamble Corp. He retired and they live in Florida. Three daughters;.
1-2-2-2-2-1-1-1 Elizabeth Lynn Betsy Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-1-1-2 Margaret Leah Maggie Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-1-1-3 Susannah Christine Susie Overbey

Susie Overbey m. 2013, Lake Geneva, WI, Sean Robberson b.__? son of Marlene & Joseph Robberson, Both completed the MBA program at Northwestern U Sue is now working as a consultant in Chicago. A son;
1-2-2-2-2-1-1-3-1 John Terry Robberson

Dewey Overbey m. 26 May 1950, Jacksonville, Morgan Co, IL, Gloria Jean Gilleland, b. 6 March 1933, Eldred, Greene Co, IL, dau of Opal Agnes Tillery 6/17/1903-8/14/1986 & Alvin E. Gilleland 1907-6/22/1959. Dewey served in the U.S. Marines in the 1950's. Dewey lived in Pasadena, TX and worked and retired from The Eythl Corp in Houston TX. Dewey always brought lots of home grown tomatos to the Family reunions. Lived in Rockbridge, IL, moved back and built nice new home at Coldspring, TX, near their children. Dewey d. 17 April 2015 at home. Three children:
1-2-2-2-2-2-1 Mary Dianne Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-2-2 Linda Kaye Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-2-3 Danny Lee Overbey

Danny Overbey m. 1989, Harris Co, TX. Victoria Ruth Vicki Scudder, b. 3 November 1959, Baytown, TX, d. 20 September 2004, Harris Co, TX., Burial, Harris County Cemetery #2, dau of Dorothy Louise Wilson & Lee Otis Scudder. He is a pipe fitter in construction work. Two sons;
1-2-2-2-2-2-3-1 David Lee Overbey
1-2-2-2-2-2-3-2 Derek Landon Overbey, b. 17 April 1992

Derek Overbey never married, d. 16 January 2011, Pasadena, TX. Burial, Grandview Mem Park Cemetery.

L. Kaye Overbey m.(1) 1971, Golden Acres Methodist Ch, Pasadena, Harris, TX. Harry Morton Jenkins, Jr, b. 1950 to Mary Lou Ladke & Harry Morton Jenkins, Sr. Divorced May 1981. Linda (2) 1982 Harris Co, TX, Michael Dwight Clinard, 20 Mar 1952-2 Aug 2004, both Pasadena, Harris, TX, son of Carole Wolf 1935-1990 & Lee Ray Clinard 1923-2019. Mike had a dau, Amy Michelle, b. 1974. Three sons;
1-2-2-2-2-2-2-1 Bryan Glen Jenkins
1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Jason Charles Jenkins
1-2-2-2-2-2-2-3 Michael Lee Clinard

Lewis Overbey m. Elnora Frances Ellie Elsea, b. 8 June 1943 Sweet Springs, d. 9 Aug 2011 Sweet Springs, dau of Polly Lemmons & Marvin Elsea. Divorced in 1977. Lewis m. [2]Rose Johnson, a widow with three children. Lew started as lineman for AT&T and working all over the USA in his first 14 years. After he retired they lived and worked in sales near Branson, MO. They bought the old Pace farm, [Bruce & Ed Overbey's grandfather]. Lewis & Ellie, two children.

Nelson Overbey m. 6 Oct 1934, St Louis, MO, Margaret Elizabeth Pace, b. 21 Nov 1913, d. 6 May 1999, dau of Elizabeth Ginz & Edmond Mallotte Pace. Margaret had a twin sister. Nelson and Margaret divorced. Nelson m. (2) St Louis, 21 July 1956, Berniece Eve Bass, b. 24 Dec 1914 Paragould, AR., d. 6 Sep 1998 Litchfield, IL. dau of Caledonia Williams & Logan Bass. When Nelson was young, he had a serous is bone disease and his left leg had to be amputated, but he never let that stop him. He always had a great sense of humor and was a jolly fellow! Nelson was a CPA and worked for Haskins & Sells and traveled all over doing CPA jobs. He ended up as an Auditor for the US Gov. Berniece retired from Sears in St. Louis, MO. Nelson, after the age of 65 finished college, getting his Bachelor of Science Degree. He then taught Accounting at Lewis & Clark College in Alton, IL and at Blackburn College in Carlinville, IL. They lived in No. St Louis area many years before moving to Gillespie, IL. Nelson d. 17 Sep 1995 Gillespie, burial Oak Wood Cem, Greenfield. Nelson & Margaret, two sons b. St Louis.
1-2-2-2-3-1 Nelson
1-2-2-2-3-2 Edmond

Nelson Bruce Overbey m. 4 May 1963, Omaha, NE, Kathleen Regina Fink, 19 July 1940, Omaha, NE.-21 May 2020, De Greeff Hospice, St Louis, MO. Dau of Evelyn Ann Powers 11/8/1907-2/19/2002 & Waldo Ward Fink 1911-1984. Bruce served in the US Air Force & retired after 20 years. Bruce received his pilots license flying with the aero club at Offutt AFB, Omaha, NE. He retired as Section Manager at McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft, St. Louis, MO. Kathy was a very talented artist. They attended Immaculate Conception Ch. in Columbia, IL, where their Three daughters were married. Bruce m. [2] 2022, Columbia, MO, Sharon Myers. Lives, Columbia, MO.
1-2-2-2-3-1-1 Laura Ann Overbey
1-2-2-2-3-1-2 Linda Marie Overbey
1-2-2-2-3-1-3 Susan Gale Overbey

Laura Overbey m. 1994 Phillip Edward Ed Haggard, b. 1959 son of Milly & Paul Haggard. She graduated from Columbia HS in 1982. We arrived at Neffa & Wayne's just in time to attend the graduation exercises with them and then after the program was over we all went to the home of Bruce & Kathy for refreshments. Live in Bear, DE.

Linda Overbey m. 1989 Columbia, IL, Steven Jay Beaver Merz, b. 1967 son of Carol Daum & Paul J. Merz Sr. Live in Millstadt, IL. Two children
1-2-2-2-3-1-2-1 Danielle Nicole Merz
1-2-2-2-3-1-2-2 Jason Paul Merz

Jason Merz m. 2020, Branson, MO, Nataley R. Lorenz, b. 1997, Borger, TX.

Susan G. Overbey m. 1992 Theodore O. Haenni, b. 1966. Ted works for Boeing Aircraft in PA. Two children:
1-2-2-2-3-1-3-1 Michael J. Haenni
1-2-2-2-3-1-3-2 Megan K. Haenni

Ed Overbey m. (1) Shirley Ann Askew. b. 1938 Port Arthur, TX. Divorced. Ed m .(2) 1975. Carol Duane Matthews, b. 1943 , Otsego, NY.-28 June 2022 Oneonta, NY, dau of Jean Thomas & G. Duane Matthews. Lives Oneonta, NY Two children:
1-2-2-2-3-2-1 Elizabeth Pace Lisa Overbey
1-2-2-2-3-2-2 Cary Nelson Overbey

Myra Overbey m. 25 Feb 1937, Fayette Baptist Ch. Greene Co, IL. Willis Asberry Earley, b. 13 June 1901 Carrollton Greene Co., IL, d. 23 Feb 1968 at home in Palmyra, IL, son of Harriet F. Riley & Thomas Earley. Willis spent a couple of hitches in the US Army before WW 2 also enlisted at the start of WW II for a while. After they married he was a farmer, living a mile E of Palmyra, IL. They raised high grade stock cattle. Myra lived in Palmyra and did beautiful quilting. She won honorable mention with one of her quilts in the State Fair in 1980. They sold their farm to nephew Chuck Overbey and retired to Palmyra, IL. Myra d. 18 Dec 2004 of pneumonia in the hospital in Springfield, IL. Burial Oakhill Cem, Palmyra IL. No children.

Wayne Overbey m. 20 Oct 1938 at her parents home near Wrights, IL., Neffa Lucille Cox, b. 16 Aug 1914, Wrights, Greene Co., IL. dau of Carrie Belle Keller & Charles Harvey Cox. Carrie was dau of Mary Olive Edwards & Valentine Keller. Charles was son of Jane Pierson & Joshua J. Cox. Charles was b. near Walnut, KS. and at the age of 12, walked beside a covered wagon to Illinois. Wayne was a farmer, also involved ina co-op raising hogs on the commercial basis. They remodeled an older house into a beautiful modern home. Wayne d. 31 Jan 1998 at home near Palmyra, Macoupin Co, IL. and Neffa d. 12 Oct 1998, White Hall, Greene Co, IL, the same day as Wayne's sister Hilda. Burial Hickory Grove Cem. Wrights, IL. Wayne was pretty well known in the area as he stood out, a little over, 6 ft 7 inches tall. 2 children.
1-2-2-2-5-1 Janice Sue Overbey
1-2-2-2-5-2 Charles Wayne "Chuck" Overbey

Janice S. Overbey m. 1963, Modesto Baptist Ch, Macoupin Co. IL, Alan Edward Kelley, b. 1941, son of Gladys Peterson & Harold Ferguson Kelley. Alan was a graduate of the Univ of Illinois School of Pharmacy, and a nephew of Joseph R. Peterson, representative of the 68th General Assembly, District 37, of IL. Janice is a graduate of the Univ. of Illinois Medical center in Chicago with a BS In Nursing. They owned & operated the drug store in Stevenville, MT from the mid 60’s til 1990, then owned commercial real estate. Alan d. 6 Nov. 2021. Three sons:
1-2-2-2-5-1-1 Gregory Alan Kelley
1-2-2-2-5-1-2 Curtis Wayne Kelley
1-2-2-2-5-1-3 Dwight Harold Kelley

Greg Kelley was married and divorced and is at present enjoying being single living in Boise, ID.

Curtis W. Kelley m. 1997, Broadus, Powder River Co, MT, Melinda Lee Borla, b. 1972 dau of Gail L Collins, b. 1947, Gillette, WY. & Joseph C. Borla Jr, b. 1946, Sunrise, WY. Curtis is a bank loan officer. Lives, Laurel, MT. Three children;
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-1 Kaitlyn Isabelle Kelley
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-2 Teal Danielle Kelley
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-3 Keldon Joseph Wayne Kelley

Kaitlyn Isabelle Kelley Nalipinski m. ? divorced. Three children:
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-1-1 Trashan, adopted by Ms. Kim Hunter
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-1-2 Kourvoisier Carter
1-2-2-2-5-1-2-1-3 Kendryk Jacione

Dwight Kelley m. [1] 1999, Tami Lee Lufthouse b. 1973, Helena, MT, divorced, 2009. Dwight m. [2] 2012 in MT, Erin Disney, b. 1977. Erin has a dau, Kayla Disney, b. 1996. They live in Missoula, MT, and owns the Missoula Fire Equipment Co. Dwight & Tami, a dau;
1-2-2-2-5-1-3-1 Kale Alan Kelley [mother, Cori Mulcahey}
1-2-2-2-5-1-3-2 Megan Rose Kelley

Chuck Overbey m. 1969, Jacksonville, IL, Karen Lorraine Burgard, b. 1947, dau of Carmen Burgard. Chuck went to the Univ. of Illinois to become a Veterinarian, and served as a Veterinarian in the US Army during the Vietnam era. Chuck flew for TWA as a pilot for several years and now flies his own Cessna 182. They owned and operated the McDonald restaurant at Abilene, KS. for many years. They retired to Girard, IL on Otter Lake. Three children:
1-2-2-2-5-2-1 Carmen Paige Overbey
1-2-2-2-5-2-2 Michael Charles Overbey
1-2-2-2-5-2-3 Robert Wesley Overbey

Carmen Overbey m. 1993, Kevin Arnberger, b. 1970, Coluumbus, Platte Co, NE, son of Robert Arnberger They operate a Dairy Queen ice cream shop in Springfield, IL. Four sons
1-2-2-2-5-2-1-1 Skylar Alan Arnberger
1-2-2-2-5-2-1-2 Benjamin Ryan Arnberger
1-2-2-2-5-2-1-3 Nicholas Wayne Arnberger
1-2-2-2-5-2-1-4 Wyatt Addison Arnberger

Michael Overbey m. 2019, Kelly Mitchell. Mike is an airline pilot flying for Southwest Airlines at Atlanta.

Robert Overbey m. 2013, in Mexico, Kathia ? Lived in Biloxi, MS, and was at his folks home in Illinois when hurricane Katrina hit. Now lives near his parents near Otter Lake. Two children:
1-2-2-2-5-2-3-1 Sophia Overbey
1-2-2-2-5-2-3-2 Charles Overbey

Wm Bill Overbey m. 15 Mar 1945, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co, IA. Mildred Millie Charlotte Onsted, b. April 1921, Philip, Haakon Co, SD, d. 21 Dec 2013, Christian Community Home, Hudson, WI. Dau of Susan Elmira Tharp & Oswald Bendix Onsted. They owned a farm at Luck, WI. At one time Bill worked for a Grain elevator and one day while working up in the top, someone accidentally turned it on and that threw Bill down in the grain bin and he almost drowned in the wheat before he was rescued. Mildred had polio while young which left her slightly handicapped. She became a nurse and worked at many hospitals and nursing homes. They retired and had fun on their snowmobiles. Bill d. 16 Sep 2003, Hudson, St Croix Co, WI. They lived in Hudson, WI.
1-2-2-2-6-1 Susan Carol Overbey, b. 14 Jun 1946
1-2-2-2-6-2 Keith Allen Overbey, b. 27 Sep 1947

Keith Overbey m. 1968 Rice Lake, Barron Co, WI. Beverly Ann Heldstab, b. 1948, dau of Cecilia Agnes Severson & Lloyd Heldstab. They divorced, He m. (2) 29 Dec 1990, Dakota, MN, Mary Jo Mainor dau of Eva Isabelle Johnson, 1/8/1908- & Leste D. Grauelle, 8/29/1904-4/23/1980. He served in the Navy from Oct. 1966 to Aug. 1969, spent time in the Seabees in Vietnam. Keith was an Aircraft Mechanic and retired from Northwest Airlines. Keith loved riding his motorcycles from coast to coast, Alaska and to most Overbey reunions. Keith d. in a motorcycle/auto crash 25 Sep 2019 near St Joseph, MO. Two children:
1-2-2-2-6-2-1 Lisa Marie Overbey
1-2-2-2-6-2-2 Michelle Terese Overbey

1-2-2-4 Leroy and Dena Meng-Overbey Family

Leroy C. Overbey b. Feb. 23, 1878 E on the farm a mile E. of Fayette, in Macoupin Co, IL d. Jan. 17, 1956 at home in Palmyra, Macoupin Co, IL, m. Feb. 13, 1902 at her parent’s home 6 miles E of Geenfield in Macoupin, Co., Anna Dena Meng, b. Feb. 18, 1877 E of Greenfield in Macoupin Co, IL, d. Dec. 22, 1930 Carlinville, Macoupin Co., IL. dau of Wulemina Kuepferle b. 8-21-1842, Schwarzack, Baden, Germany, d. in 1924 & Friedrick Meng, b. 3-30-1835, Kaclborfold, Germany, d. 5-3-1912 Greenfield, IL. Leroy m.(2) Catherine Scott, b. 1874, d.17 May 1948, Carlinville, IL. Leroy m. (3) Feb. 10, 1949, Opal Solomon, b. 21 Mar 1891, Palmyra, Macoupin Co., IL, d. 28 Mar 1988 Springfield, Sangamon Co., IL. dau of Leland Ellis & Minnie Minerva Stults Hartsook, Opal is buried in Oak Hill Cem. Palmyra, IL. Leroy and Dena adopted a girl in 1920 who was 2 or 3 years old at the time. Her name was Elizabeth and she m. Clarence Wunderlich. They lived in Evanston, IN. in 1973. She had a dau, Alvina Wunderlich. Leroy, Dena & Catherine are buried in Oak Wood Cem, Greenfield IL. Leroy & Dena had three sons b. Macoupin Co, IL, 5 miles ENE of Greenfield:
1-2-2-4-1 Harold Meng Overbey, b. 13 Aug 1903
1-2-2-4-2 Wilford Russell Overbey, b. 20 May 1907
1-2-2-4-3 Loren Henry Overbey, b. 4 Jan 1909
1-2-2-4-4a Elizabeth E. Overbey, adopted @1918 IL. -30 June 1993

Elizabeth E. Overbey m. in IN. Clarence Melvin Wunderlich, 21 Jan 1920. Evansville IN.-10 May 2004, Henderson, KY. Elizabeth d. 30 May 1993 Evansville, IN. Burial, Greenwood Cem, KY. A dau;
1-2-2-4-4a Alvenia Wunderlich, b. 1 Dec 1939

Elvenia Wunderlich m. in OH. Dale Keith Schrock b. OH. Lived, Spottsville, KY She d. 8 May 2020, Evansville, IN.

Harold Meng Overbey m. [1] 1927, Frieda Maude Schenk, b. 1904 in Mo. They Divorced. Harold m. [2] 8 Dec 1943, Cook Co., IL, Florence Evelyn Boag. Divorced. He m [3] @1957, Velda NeSmith, 7 Apr 1910 Cairo, Grady, GA.-23 Apr 1992, Bartow, FL dau of Bessie Brinson & Nathaniel David NeSmith. Harold d. 20 Apr 1990 at Bartow, Polk Co., FL. Burial Wildwood Cem, Polk Co, FL.

Wilfred Russell Overbey m. 16 Oct 1932, St Louis, MO, Orpha Violet Margaret Ewart, b. 19 Jan 1908, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. d. 28 Oct 1989 dau of Orpha Slater & William Morris Ewart. Wilfred was an Industrial Engineer for Carter Carburetor Co in St Louis, MO. and Violet was an elementary school teacher. They were members of the Presbyterian Ch, they lived in Kirkwood, MO, then moved to Manchester, MO. Wilfred d. 28 July 1984, burial, Oak Grove Cem, Kirkwood. Four children:
1-2-2-4-2-1 Barbara Ann Overbey, b. & d. 15 Nov 1933
1-2-2-4-2-2 Kent Douglas Overbey
1-2-2-4-2-3 Rex Overbey, b. & d. 20 Jan 1939
1-2-2-4-2-4 Karen Ewart Overbey

Karen Overbey m. Donald Fredrick Petri. Don was national sales manager for Bassick Corp. in Bridgeport, CT. Karen has a B.S. Degree in Elementary Ed. from SE Missouri State and taught school for 4 years, she stayed at home for 10 years, while her children were small. In 1981 Don & Karen started a Manufacturer's Rep. Sale Co. Three children:
1-2-2-4-2-4-1 Kimberly
1-2-2-4-2-4-2 Kendall
1-2-2-4-2-4-3 Donald

Loren H. Overbey m. 22 Jul 1939, Elkton, Todd Co, KY, Hallie Marie Wright, 9 Feb 1908. rural Warrick Co, IN,- 21 Jan 1998 Walnut Creek, Contra Costa, CA, dau of Tessie Hart & Zola Wright. They divorced and Hattie moved to Concord, CA. Loren m. [2] 9 Nov 1957 Clayton, MO. Angeline Block, 2 Nov 1903-3 Dec 1999. Loren was a sheet metal worker at McDonnell Aircraft plant. Loren d. 24 Jun 1958, Clayton, St Louis Co, MO. Buried, Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO. Two children:
1-2-2-4-3-1 Dena Luella Overbey
1-2-2-4-3-2 Jerry Leroy Overbey

Dena Overbey m. Dewey Jackson Jack Van Scyoc. They divorced. Dena m. [2] Richard Donald Kamphaus. Dena & Dewey, four children;
1-2-2-4-3-1-1 Bradley
1-2-2-4-3-1-2 Chelsey
1-2-2-4-3-1-3 Heather - twin
1-2-2-4-3-1-4 Lisa -twin

Bradley Van Scyoc m. 1997 Oakland, CA, Roanne Sloan, b. 1971. Bradley d. of colon cancer 20 July 2019 at home in Tracy, CA. Two children;
1-2-2-4-3-1-1-1 Emma Hallie Van Scyoc
1-2-2-4-3-1-1-2 Alicia Grace Van Scyoc

Jerry L Overbey m. Nedra Kay Light. Five Children;
1-2-2-4-3-2-1 Anson
1-2-2-4-3-2-2 Ian
1-2-2-4-3-2-3 Larissa
1-2-2-4-3-2-4 Zachary
1-2-2-4-3-2-5 Nathanial


1-2-2-6 Ebert Anderson & Edith Cook Overbey Family

Ebert Anderson Overbey, b. Nov. 1, 1881, m. Edith Lusetta Cook, b. Dec. 8, 1884 Chesterfield, Macoupin Co. IL., d. Dec. 12, 1969 dau of Maude Lawson & William H. Cook. Ebert was employed as a drayman for many years, in the city of St. Louis, MO. Some of you young people will wonder what a drayman was, I’m sure. Back in the days before trucks, heavy duty wagons were pulled by horses, sometimes as many as 6 or 8 teams of horses were used to pull heavy loads. When trucks replaced the drays, Ebert who was very good with horses, moved to the farm of his brother Leroy Overbey. He died ten days after havtng a stroke while chopping wood on Jan. 29, 1932 while living at his brother Leroy’s farm in Macoupin Co. and is buried in Oak Wood Cem. Greenfield, IL. Edith in Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO. Four children.
1-2-2-6-1 William Lawson Overbey, b. 6 May 1905 Fayette, Greene Co, IL
1-2-2-6-2 John Eugene Gene Overbey, b. 10 May 1913 Fayette, Greene Co, IL
1-2-2-6-3 Marion Rose Overbey, b. 6 July 1923 St Louis, MO
1-2-2-6-4 Gilbert Lee Overbey, b. 25 Nov 1924 St Louis, MO

William Lawson Bill Overbey m. 31 Aug 1928, Myrtle Jeanette Powell. b. 15 June 1903, Laredo, Webb Co, TX, d. 10 April 1982 St Louis, burial, Memorial Park Cem, Jennings, MO, to Hattie Belle Prescott & Henry Alexander Powell. Lawson was a Public Service bus driver in St. Louis for years. Myrtle worked for Dept. of Defense in St. Louis. Lawson d. in St Louis, 29 Jan 1972, burial, Valhalla Cem, Normandy, MO. A son;
1-2-2-6-1-1 Dale Powell Overbey, 1930 St Louis, MO

Dale P. Overbey m. Edna May Wagner, b. 1928, Belleville, IL, dau of Maude Ellen Asberry & Edward Gus Wagner. Dale was a top salesman for Ackerman Buick in Ferguson, MO. for many years before retiring to St Charles, MO. Two children;
1-2-2-6-1-1-1 Dale
1-2-2-6-1-1-2 Marilyn

John Eugene Gene Overbey & Evelyn Eggersman b. 14 Oct 1917, St Louis, MO. were a young couple deeply in love in spite of the objections of her rather strict parents. On Aug 6 1936 instead of going to the Wednesday night services at their Baptist Church, Gene and Evelyn and two friends headed to the Justice of the Peace in Waterloo, Illinois. After the very brief marriage ceremony, the newlyweds headed back to town. Gene took Evelyn to her house and went home. It was Thanksgiving Day when they finally told Evelyn’s parents the news and several more weeks before they moved in together as man and wife. Evelyn d. 5 July 2006 Barnes West hosp. St Peters, St Charles Co., MO, dau of Sarah Butler & Fred Eggersman. Gene was a retired truck driver delivering gasoline for Shell Oil Co. Gene d. 9 Mar 1990, Christian Hosp NE, St Louis Co, MO. Burial Memorial Park Cem. Jennings, MO. A son:
1-2-2-6-2-1 Donald Ray Overbey

Donald R. Don Overbey m. Mary Frances Golden, b. St Louis, MO. Don earned a Marketing degree from St Louis U and worked for Amoco Oil Co. in the Chicago area most of his career, retiring in 1994 as director of advertising. Mary is a Registered Nurse, having received her BS. in Nursing from St Johns Hosp in St Louis. Three children;
1-2-2-6-2-1-1 Karen Overbey
1-2-2-6-2-1-2 Patricia Overbey
1-2-2-6-2-1-3 Michael Overbey

Marion Overbey m. 3 Jan 1942, St Charles, St Charles Co, MO, Edward Lee Ed Georgen, b. 14 Feb 1912, St Louis, MO, son of Nellie Dixon, 1886-? & Edward Georgen, 1885-1919. Ed was a salesman. Ed loved to fish, so Ed & Marion spent many weekends in the Ozarks fishing, Marion retired from Safety Inc. [Green Cross] in St Louis. She lived in the Mansion House Aprts in downtown St Louis with a beautiful view of the Mississippi River and the Gateway Arch from the 28rd floor. Ed served in the US Army, 7 April 1942-21 June 1945, was injured during training maneuvers in Florida an spent a year and a half in the hospital recovering. Ed d. 28 Oct 1998, Christian Hosp. NE, St Louis Co. Burial, Jefferson Barracks Natl Cem, MO. Marion d. 6 Nov 2019 in So St Louis Co, MO. A son:
1-2-2-6-3-1 Edward Michael Mike Georgen

Gilbert Lee Gil Overbey m. 2 Nov 1946, Calvary Baptist Ch, St Louis, MO, Nola Mae West, b. 14 August 1925, Essex, Stoddard Co, MO, d. 11 Dec 2013, St Charles, MO, dau of Jennie Ann Ramsey & Roy Denton West. Gilbert enlisted in the US Navy 27 Nov 1941 about 2 weeks before the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. Gil Spent most of WWII on the Pacific Ocean mostly on the USS Gilmore and engaged in a number of skirmishes and landings on Pacific Islands. Gil worked for Atwell, Vogel & Sterling Insurance Co. for 15 years and retired from the Home Insurance Co. Nola retired from the US Army Records Ctr, Overland, MO. Gil & Nola took many nice trips to Japan and Singapore to see Gail. Gil d. at home 6 Oct 1990, St Peters, St Charles Co, MO. Burial, Jefferson Barracks Natl Cem, St Louis Co, MO. Nola m. (2) Goodman Eisenburg, b. 1923, d. 5 July 2006. Two children;
1-2-2-6-4-1 Gregory
1-2-6-6-4-2 Gailia

1-2-2-8 Florence Overbey and Ed Cook Family

Florence Leona Overbey m. May 19, 1904 Fayette Baptist Church, Greene Co., IL Eddie Edgar Cook, b. Oct. 27, 1883 d. April 13, 1963. son of Lydia A., b. 1862, d. 1937 & Henry C. Cook b. 1859, d. 1926. E. E. Cook was a store keeper. First he and his father, then he and his son Floyd owned the General Store in Fayette for years. Ed was one of the first Pepsi Cola distributors in the area in the early 1930s. He was also, for a while a farmer, then he moved to Greenfield, IL where he did carpenter work. Florence d. Jan. 12, 1968 in Greenfield and they are buried in in Oak Wood Cem. Three children b. Fayette, IL.
1-2-2-8-1 Lela Velma Cook, b. 7 Sep 1906 - d. 22 Oct 1988
1-2-2-8-2 Floyd Stanley Curly Cook, b. 4 Sep 1908 - d. 12 Jan 1976
1-2-2-8-3 Warren Henry Warne Cook, b. 23 Aug 1923 - d. 28 Feb 2002

Lela Cookm. 21 Feb 1931, St Michaels Ch, Greenfield, Greene. IL, Mack Henry Fitzgerald, 27 July 1900-12 Jan 1976 at home, son of Mary Jane Grace 1857-1919 & Thomas C. Fitzgerald 1860-1935. Mack was a farmer, owning a farm in Macoupin Co, southeast of Greenfield, IL. Lela, Mack & the children used to lead some pretty lively entertainment at the Overbey Reunions & other local gatherings. He was Catholic, Lela a Baptist. Lela d. 22 Oct 1988. Burial Oak Wood Cem. Four children:
1-2-2-8-1-1 Mary Colleen Fitzgerald, b. 8 Oct 1931 Jerseyville, Jersey Co, IL. - d. 15 Jan 1993
1-2-2-8-1-2 Maxine A. Cook Fitzgerald, b. 22 April 1934 Greene Co, IL - d. 22 Nov 2012
1-2-2-8-1-3 Wanda Ilene Fitzgerald, b. 18 Dec 1935 Macoupin Co. IL - d. 26 May 2016
1-2-2-8-1-4 Thomas Edgar Fitzgerald, b. 16 Sep 1940 Macoupin Co. IL - d. 8 June 1993

Mary Fitzgerald m. 20 June 1953, Greenfield, Greene Co, IL, Ernest Paul Lewis, b. 24 Apr 1930, Chesterfield, Macoupin Co, IL, d. 27 May 1992 Hastings Barry Co, MI. They lived in Pawnee, IL, until got an offer of a better job in Hastings, MI. and moved there in the mid 60s. Mary had the voice and spirit of an angel. Every one of her children were gifted with her beautiful musical talent and her spirit lives on in their music. Mary d. 15 Jan 1993 at home. Burial Riverside Cem, Hastings, MI. Five children:
1-2-2-8-1-1-1 Kent
1-2-2-8-1-1-2 Paula
1-2-2-8-1-1-3 Margaret
1-2-2-8-1-1-4 Ernest
1-2-2-8-1-1-5 Colleen

Ernie Lewis never married, lived in Pleasant Lake, IN, where he d. 4 Feb 2010. He like most others in the family was a wonderful musician. Burial, Riverside Cem, Hastings, MI.

Maxine Fitzgerald m. 12 Sep 1954, St Micheal Ch, Greenfield, Greene Co, IL, Henry Albert Longmeyer, Jr., b. 10 Nov 1934, White Hall, Greene Co., IL, d. 27 Nov 2013 at home, Greenfield, IL, son of Margaret Linden Palmer & Henry Albert Longmeyer Sr. They were farmers living on Rte 1, Greenfield, IL. Maxine served on the Greene Co. board of supervisors. Maxine and her sisters were renown for there harmonic voices at many events near Greenfield. Albert was a 1956 graduate of Purdue Univ. and went into the cattle buslness with his father and brother. Albert was a pilot and flew out of thier own airstrip on the farm. Maxine d. 22 Nov 2012, Passavant Area Hosp, Jacksonville, IL [Thanksgiving Day]. Burial, Oak Wood Cem. Two sons:
1-2-2-8-1-2-1 Marcus Albert Longmeyer, 10 July 1957 Carrollton, Greene, IL. d.10 Aug 2022
1-2-2-8-1-2-2 Alec Palmer Longmeyer, b. 10 Jan 1968 - d. 10 Aug 2022

Marcas Longmeyer m. 1986, Tamara Elaine Vinyard. Divorced. He m. (2) 2004, Sevierville, TN, Gale Lynn Harris. He attended Western IL Univ. Was a well liked musician. Marcus d. 10 August 2022 at home, New Berlin, IL. Two children;
1-2-2-8-1-2-1-1 Patrick Fitzgerald Longmeyer
1-2-2-8-1-2-1-2 Brooke Elizabeth Longmeyer

Patrick Longmeyer works in Auburn IL as partime EMS/volunteer/fireman

Wanda Fitzgerald m. Nov 1953, St Michaels Catholic Ch, Greenfield, Greene Co, IL, Charles Eugene, Coach the rock, Stone, b. 1 June 1935, Athensville, Greene Co, IL, d. 24 Feb 2009 in Fl, burial Oak Wood Cem, son of Vivian Lodell Smith, 1/5/1916-10/9/2007 & Homer E. Stone. Charles went to Eastern & Western Illinois Univ's to obtain his Master's degree, he became a coach in various schools in central IL, ending at North Greene near Greenfield and took the basketball team to the elite eight in the state finals. Wanda is an oustanding musician. First performing with her sisters, Mary & Maxine, she became the driving force in a new generation of musicians, keeping the family's musical tallets burning brightly, inspiring Mike Lewis, Marc Longmeyer, her daughter, Paula Allerding & Colleen Acker to become musical pros. She lived on Mack's farm where the Fitzgerald children were raised. Wanda d. 26 May 2016 at Carlinville Rahab & health center, burial Oak Wood Cem. Three children;
1-2-2-8-1-3-1 Debra
1-2-2-8-1-3-2 Susan
1-2-2-8-1-3-3 Craig

Thomas Edward Fitzgerald m. [1] in 1960 Marilyn Thaxton. They divorced. Tom m. [2] Sep 1968, Janet Lawless, 5 May 1946, Springfield, IL,-4 Dec 2015, Springfield. Janet had a dau Lisa Marie Savorgino, b. Mar 1965. Tom worked at Fiat Allis as a machinist for 28 years. Thomas d. 8 June 1993, Memorial Hosp, Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL. Burial, Oak Wood Cem, Greenfield. Tom & Marilyn, a son, Tom & Janet, a son;

F. Curly Cook m. Sep 1931, Jean Sealy, b. 24 Feb 1913., d. 12 July 1992, dau of Lillian Quast & Oliver E. Sealy of Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., MI. Curly was in partnership with his father in the General Store in Fayette, IL. After he left the store he became a building contractor. Curly & Warne were real good singers and were ask to sing at many functions. Curly d. 14 June 1986. Burial Oak Wood Cem. A daughter;
1-2-2-8-2-1 Diane Cook

Diane Cook m. [1] Charles C. Hall, Dec 1956, they divorced, April 1975. Diane m. (2) Nov 1975, Michael S. Gioscio, b. Louisiana, MO, son of Betty Stevens & Nicola Gioscio. He is employed at the Telephone Co. Diane & Charles, three children:
1-2-2-8-2-1-1 Monte
1-2-2-8-2-1-2 Kelly
1-2-2-8-2-1-3 Lorie Rae Hall, b. 25 Mar 1959, d. 26 Mar 1959

Warne Cook m. April 1945, Fort Dix, NJ., Barbara Houlihan, b. 8 Dec 1921, Steamberg, NY, d. 22 May 1999, dau of Carrie Eddie & Fred Houlihan. Barbara was an US Army Nurse in WW-2. Warne served in the US Army medics as an officer 1942-1945. He and Curly worked together as self employed plasterer & contractor, like Curly he loved music an sang at many different gatherings. They were Presbyterians. Warne d. 28 Feb 2002 Carrollton, Greene Co., IL. Burial, OakWood Cem. Greenfield. They adopted a son.

(Click here to continue viewing the history in sequence - Thomas Franklin Overbey )

Don's favorite song is "Without Love, Where Would You Be Now?"
Think about it!